Every Dancer
Needs a Stage!
Make magic
happen for your child!

Dear Parents and Students,

For the past several years, Creative Connexions Performing Arts Centre has provided students with exciting performance experiences through its Recitals. It’s a rite of passage for many dancers; a chance to shine in front of family and friends, that students anticipate with nervous excitement.

A big part of the dance training process includes learning through performance. The experience helps build self-esteem, self-assurance, and contributes to a sense of confidence. Performance opportunities contribute to children’s success in non-dance activities. That onstage experience can result in better in-school presentations, improved social skills, and strong interview skills for future college or job opportunities. 

The rehearsal process is a tremendous learning experience as well. It helps the children develop retention skills, and they learn the positive aspects of working as a team.

It is the responsibility of the entire community, students, parents, teachers and directors to do their part to make a great show. The recital is only as successful as we make it - let's work together to make the recital a magical experience for your child!

We’ve created an online guide in an effort to clarify Creative Connexions Performing Arts Centre's preferred recital process. It can be found below.

We look forward to a great show!
Directors & Staff

Schedule of Events

  • Tickets: Reserved seats for the Show will go on sale in April 27th!

  • NO extra rehearsals. Preparations for the show will be during regularly scheduled classes.

  • Picture week: will be Saturday, May 18th - May 23rd. (All dancers wear their costumes to class with hair/makeup done.)

    • Dress Rehearsal at the J Clark Richardson Collegiate at 10:30am.
  • Show Date: Sunday, June 2nd.
  • Show Times: 1:00 pm.

*If you have multiple costumes, bring all costumes and don’t forget your dance shoes. Please Arrive in Regular dance clothes or fitness wear. Preferably any CCPAC clothing you have! 


On the Day

Recital Date: Sunday, June 2nd , 2024

At Drop-off:

  • Have your dancer visit the restroom when you arrive, before checking in with CCPAC staff.

  • Allow a few extra minutes.

  • Dancers will stay backstage for the entire show.

  • Please bring any additional costumes in a garment bag, labeled with the dancer’s name on everything! Don’t forget your dance shoes (ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop). Wear street shoes to the theatre and change into dance shoes backstage.

Student Sign-in Time:

Parents must sign dancers in at one of the two sign in desks at the following time:

starts at 10:30am (All Dancers 4 and up)
starts at 12pm (All other dancers)

Parents will receive a wrist Band with their child's name on it. The same parent is responsible for pick up and must show wrist band at the point of pick up after the show.

Show Time:
1:00pm start time

20 minute intermission, half way through the show

Student Sign-out Time:
Directly after each show. Dancers will be held backstage until Guardian comes to collect them if student is under the age of 14.

This year our programs will be DIGITAL! There will be QR codes/web addresses displayed around the venue to show people how to view on their phones. It will be available HERE soon! 

Backstage during show:

  • Staff will help with all costume changes. Parents can sit back and enjoy the show!

  • No food allowed backstage. Water only.


  • No photography or videotaping during the show. It is dangerous for the performers.

  • Each family that purchases a Recital Package will receive a Digital Download as a memory of the show approximately 3 weeks after show.

  • Every person entering the theater needs a ticket with an assigned seat.

  • Late Arrival Policy: Performances start at the time stated on your ticket. If you arrive late & the performance has begun, ushers will seat you where it will be least disruptive to the audience and performers.

Where: J Clarke Richardson - 1355 Harwood Ave North, Ajax, ON L1T 4G8


The Program Order

We provide with the show order ahead of time so that you can properly prepare for your big day!

Click this PDF to see the show order. Show order Recital 2024.pdf


Recital Packages & Tickets

This Year we will be offering recital packages so that you can pay one price for everything you want Recital:

Basic package includes: $120 +HST

2 tickets

Recital T Shirt

Digital Download of Recital Video

Premium Package includes: $175 +HST

4 tickets

Recital T Shirt

Digital Download of Recital Video

1 Individual Picture and 1 group picture from Picture week (digital)

Box Office 

  • Individual Tickets: $26 per person

*Children 2 years and under are Free. 


Individual T-shirt= $15 dollars

Individual picture shots: As varies. Photogallery with all shots will be sent out in an email.



Hair, Make-up and Tights

HAIR: Notes from your teacher will be available for specific classes as needed. We encourage parents to style their children's hair in a way that will make your child feel most comfortable and confident. 

It is helpful to have your child's hair off their face so that parents, family, friends and the video camera can clearly see your star on stage. 

If you would like to watch a video on our preferred hair style; CLICK HERE.

Make-up: CCPAC does not require your child to wear make-up. As a parent, you control what make-up is worn by your child, if any. 

If you would like suggestion, we have prepared a make up kit specifically for recital that you can purchase HERE!

- No Jewelry, nail polish, glitter, or temporary tattoos are allowed for performances. *Parents are responsible for all make up and hair supplies*

Tights: Tights are included in your child's costume fee. You will receive your tights along with your child's costume.


Picture Week

Photo Sales:

Picture Week is happening  May 18th- May 23rd

  • Pictures will be taken during your dancer’s regular class time by a professional photographer unless otherwise noted.

  • Come to class dressed in your costume with hair/makeup ready for pictures.

  • This year we will be offering recital Packages that allow for you to get your pictures digitally by recital.

  • If you want to purchase individual pictures, the photographer will be making them available online in a gallery. 
    – Digital photos will be delivered to your smartphone or emailed within 3 weeks.
    – Printed packages will be mailed directly to your home within 3-4 weeks.
    – Questions? Contact info@creativeconnexions.ca or 6479047432


What to Bring

  • We ask that you only pack water for your child to avoid any messy spills on the costume. Snack is allowed to be packed for the pink and the lilac dancers. Please make sure it is a simple easy to clean up snack.
  • Make sure your child has all personal belongings clearly labeled. 
  • Do not bring any extra items that can be lost, broken or stolen. 
  • CCPAC and the Theatre Staff will not be held responsible for ANY lost, broken, or stolen items while at the venue.


Dressing Rooms

Here is a map of J Clarke Richardson:



The Creative Combo ( Pink Program), Lilac program & Plum Program: Drama Room 

Junior Comp Team: Quick Change Room B beside the stage

Inter & Senior Comp Team: Quick Change Room A beside the stage

Navy/Black Program : Drama Room


In Case of Emergency 

CCPAC makes every effort to create a safe, fun, positive, rewarding and enjoyable recital experience for you, your guests and your child. 

However, should there be a case where CCPAC needs to contact you; it is your responsibility to ensure that your emergency contact information is correct in our database. 

CCPAC will have access to the phone list during the recital. We ask you to check, correct and add cell phone numbers and an emergency contact number such as, aunt, uncle, or grandparent. 


Safety, Dismissal & Sign-out:

Safety is our number one priority.

No child will be permitted to leave the theatre without their own parent that:

Is unknown to CCPAC staff

This year we are using a wristband system for all out dancers under the age of 12. The parent that drops off will receive a wristband with their students name and when they come to pick up they must show the wrist band with their students name on it.

Thank you in advance for your understanding, cooperation and assistance.

Due to the fact that parents are not backstage during the show, should your child have a medical condition or safety issue that our staff needs to be aware of, please submit it in writing to: admin@creativeconnexions.ca before May 1st, 2023.

Please be advised that it is CCPAC's mission to make the recital a positive experience for all involved. We reserve the right to prevent your child from performing onstage if your child is demonstrating any kind of physical or emotional distress. Even in this case, we must adhere to the no refund policy on recital tickets and recital costumes.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.